Note to the Readers:  Our sincere apologies to the Author of Notions and Potions and any practicing Wiccans if we have misunderstood or misrepresented WICCA and the belief system  in any way.  This is our attempt to query and learn.  If you would like to share some information with us in order to enlighten us further you can email us at  We would ask that you keep your comments brief and simple in case we receive several emails of sharing.    Peace and Blessings.


“Magic can enhance the hidden power that lies within us all”

The following information was taken from “Notions and Potions” by Susan Bowes for the sole purpose of providing current beliefs and practices of “Wicca” according to this author for the curious of heart.


WICCA:  Celtic meaning “wise”. White Magic. Pagan.

Pagan:  origin Latin meaning villager or rustic dweller.

Witchcraft:  derived from the word Wicca.

Magic: Middle Eastern derived from Magi meaning wise men or priests.

Druids:  Wise men, soothsayers, shape changers. Celtic

Black Magic:  Not true witchcraft. No real witch would invoke harm on any level.


Notes of interest:

Fear surrounds the work of witches due to lack of understanding their codes and fear of the power one may possess.

In order to dispel some fear the history of the witch (Wiccan practice) and information about the Modern witch will follow.


1)   SACRED LAW:  Never manipulate another person against their will.

2)   If intention is pure and wish to do good unselfishly the spells and rituals can bring love, protection, healing and wealth.

3)   Rituals and spells are designed to enhance life.

4)   Those who practice Wicca can bend reality and appear to create magic.

5)   Magic is used by harnessing psychic forces by incantations, spells, and charms to focus the mind on intent.

6)   It is basically the practice of using herbs, oils, candles and assorted tools for healing and enhancing your life.

7)   Romans used the term Pagan as an insult to commoners then Christians adopted the term for people who weren’t like them.  It did not necessarily mean that the person did not believe in God, gods, goddesses etc….


Wicca originated from the worship of Gods and Goddesses.  The Priestess of the Gods and Goddesses represented the feminine mysteries of the moon, Mother Earth and Sister Moon and was the nurturer, healer and mediator.  The Priest would act as her consort representing the heat and fervor of the Sun. 


Her position of authority is ultimately what caused Her demise in history.  Men feared her knowledge and power (witches, priestesses) and so began the negative connotations and rumors of these healers of old.




Some prefer to work quietly and privately.  Some are members of Covens and some worship Goddess energy in temples and adhere to stricter codes, rites and ceremonial dress.


They are believed to be:

1)   The healers and protectors of ancient secrets and old lore of nature.

2)   Celebrate the alchemical marriage of EARTH, AIR, WATER AND FIRE.  And so their love of trees, plants, flowers, herbs, thunder, lightening.  Being collectors of stones, crystals, chimes, sacred sites, Tarot (much linked to Earth, Air, Water and Fire, and Crystal Balls.  (All elements of Nature)

3)   They use these elements magical properties in their spells, incantations and rituals.



Spell = a period of time to recount something that spells out your desire.  Energy by with it is bound together and then focused by the wand to it’s intent.

Focused Thought = Their most powerful tool.

Altar = Special place on a table, window sill, or mantelpiece(fire beneath is powerful symbol).  Most witches dedicate the altar to their favorite Goddess or God, decorate it with crystals, talismans, herbs and flowers.  The altar should face the North.  It is believed this is the direction from which power flows.  Some face the East in order to honor the Sun.

Candles = Represent power of light. Spiritual illumination and power of Angelic forces.

Oils = aromas control emotional, mental and intellectual faculties effecting energetic changes in the body.  Thus anointing with oil is used and was used in ancient times.  i.e. (The three wise men “magi” anointing Christ with Frankincense).

Herbs = used in spells, rituals, healing of the body.  Mandrake is one of the most common.

Incense = Used to evoke the Gods, purify surroundings.  It also can symbolize the sacrifice.

Crystals and Gemstones = Intent is focused into the stone and then they can be buried or placed on the Altar or out anywhere so they can emit the focused energy.

Pen, Ink and Paper = Fountain or quill pen, colored ink, Dragon’s Blood Ink or Dove’s Blood Ink and parchment.  Used to write list of desires that is being focused on.

Athame = Magical knife.  This directs the spell, can be used to cut herbs, or used to draw a 9 inch circle for the spell to be cast in.  It is also the symbol of Air.

Clothing = Robes add intensity and authority and reverence to ceremony.

Grimoire = This is the personal book of the Witch for recording spells, herbal recipes, incense recipes etc….

The Familiar = Witches work with the deva energies of earth, air , fire and water.  These animal helpers whether it be dog, cat, toads, etc… would be considered Familiars. 

The Besom = This would be the broomstick.  Primarily used to sweep negativity from a room, or clearing the magic circle of uninvited entities.

The Cauldron = Potions and brews are produced in the cauldron, the symbol of transformation and container of the great mystery of woman and nature.

The Wand = This represents the element of Air and evokes the energy of the spell, sending it in the direction it is pointed. 


There is an abundance of information regarding this topic and an abundance of reading material available to enlighten or guide you in Wicca beliefs and practices.  We wish you peace and blessings if you choose to journey further into this realm.