Witches Affirmation


      A witch is...


      * One who has power over her own life

      * One who makes her own rules, but can abide by the rules of Nature

      * One who refuses to submit to self-denial

      * One who recognizes no authority with greater esteem than her own, who is

      loyal to self

      * One who is untamed and tamed

      * One who transforms energy for the good of all

      * One who can be passionate about her idealsand values as they are


      * One who is explosive, whose intensity is like volcanoes, floods, winds,

      and fire

      * One who is disorderly and orderly

      * One who is ecstatic

      * One who alters reality

      * One who says "I am a witch" aloud three times

      "I am a witch"

      "I am a witch"

      "I am a witch"